Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Being under the weather seems to be inevitable this time of the year, however a pain in the back is not what I was counting on! A wee sniffle or a sore throat is easy to deal with, however trying to support my back & stay active so it doesn't seize up is a little more tricky. So what cures darker evenings, a chill in the air & not feeling a hundred percent? Baking of course! Because baking (+ bananas) DOES cure everything...

Inspired by the autumnal feeling in the air, I wanted to create a homely bake (with only what I had in the cupboard) & stumbled over this wonderfully easy Banana Bread recipe by Sophie Dahl. Baked in a loaf tin, I lined mine with pleated baking parchment so when baked, I could fold the paper over itself & tie rustically with string to create a perfect individual package. Mine seemed to turn out a bit darker in colour than the recipe shows, so I would probably recommend turning the temperature down & just baking for a little while longer. Although my version did create a bite on the edges which complemented the soft banana centre nicely. So I'll leave it up to you!

Let me know your Banana Bread recipes!

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